Sycamore maple (
Acer pseudoplatanus) is a large deciduous tree of the Maple family. It is native to central, eastern and southern Europe and Asia; however, it can be found worldwide due to its use as an ornamental.
Sycamore Maple Toxic Components
The seeds and seedlings from this tree produce varying levels of hypoglycin A, which is toxic to horses. If enough of the toxin is ingested by horses, it can cause
atypical myopathy (AM), previously known as seasonal pasture myopathy (SPM) in North America.
What Sycamore maple Looks Like
Sycamore maple produces yellow-green flowers which hang in panicles, in the spring, after foliage emerges. The bark is dark pink-grey and smooth when young but becomes cracked and develops small plates with age. Twigs are pink-brown and hairless. The seeds are easily distinguishable from their pair of 'wings', called samaras and sometimes 'helicopters'. They are green at first and then turn a tan color when mature, usually early autumn.